APLD CA Maps The Way In San Jose, Lafayette, Merritt College

APLD CA Mapping The Way In San Jose

The 2011 APLD CA Board is an amazing group of people devoting countless volunteer hours to the concerns of all landscape design professionals in California. This San Jose-based meeting tackled the topic of Sponsorship and how to turn sponsors into partners in building the landscape design profession in general.

APLD East Bay District Meeting With Matthew Levesque

The board was joined by the District Sponsorship Chairs, bringing a welcome smidgen of testosterone.

The previous evening, Mary Fisher invited G3’s Pamela Berstler to attend the APLD CA East Bay District general meeting and then address her Landscape Design class at Merritt College. The East Bay District meeting was a well-attended program with a wonderful speaker: Matthew Levesque, a reuse and recycle maven from the SF Bay Area with a new book out called: Revolutionary Yardscapes.

Merritt College Students Slow, Spread and Sink It

After the meeting it was a forced march back to Oakland where Chris Grampp and Mary Fisher graciously turned over most of their three hour class to Pamela’s take on Low Impact Design: Slow, Spread, and Sink It! The class was extremely well prepared, and asked great questions about both technique and theory.  A group project that will require some rethinking of the passive systems for rainwater capture is in the works, so everyone was taking copious notes!  G3’s looking forward to seeing some of these students in its upcoming workshops — they are truly the future generation of change-makers.

About Pamela Berstler

Thought-leader on the Watershed Approach to landscaping and the role gardens play in pushing back against climate change.