G3’s OWL Proclaims Watershed Wise Replaces Attainable Sustainable

Think Of Your Property As A Mini-Watershed And Get A Watershed Wise Landscape

Attainable Sustainable should be retired,” quipped one G3 Associate who participated in our annual planning process. “Watershed Wise and Watershed Friendly seem more measurable,” wrote another.  

Peruse the G3 Website and you’ll find that we’ve replaced our Attainable Sustainable Landscape Programs with Watershed Wise Landscape Programs. “The holistic content is the same, but the new name reflects our continued use of the Watershed model in conveying the underlying principles of our work,” said Pamela Berstler, G3’s Managing Member.”Personally, I LOVE to say ‘Sustainable IS Attainable!’ but the group we surveyed had misgivings about the future of the word ‘Sustainable.’  We (at G3) want to remain responsive to our constituents by making sure all parts of our messaging fit together into a seamless and easily communicated whole. The G3 mascot is the OWL (Oxygen, Water, and Life, the three components of Living Soil), the heart of a successful garden, so it somehow makes sense G3 start using Watershed Wise to describe it’s programs and projects.”

You can now find the G3 online through the following links in addition to http://www.GreenGardensGroup.com:



About Pamela Berstler

Thought-leader on the Watershed Approach to landscaping and the role gardens play in pushing back against climate change.