Groundwater Extraction Economics: We Can’t Dig Our Way Out Of This

For all of you newsaholics that don’t follow environmental issues, but are following the growing discussion about “extraction” economics (See all recent coverage of GOP presidential candidate debates and their comments about Bain Capital),  here’s the kind of extraction that we have to be really worried about — the over-extraction and pollution of our groundwater.  How are you going to contribute to the solution?

As G3 has been teaching in its classes for the past three years, groundwater pollution and lack of replenishment are WORLDWIDE problems with colossal consequences in our own neighborhoods. Yet, this problem has many solutions that can be implemented by individuals in their own front yards!  Low impact design (LID) Best Management Practices and Surfrider’s Ocean Friendly Gardens standards are just a couple of the ways ordinary people can help reverse the dire groundwater situation discussed in this article from  Science Alert: Australia and New Zealand – Groundwater Supply Running Out.

About Pamela Berstler

Thought-leader on the Watershed Approach to landscaping and the role gardens play in pushing back against climate change.