Matilija Ojai School Yard Habitat

G3 Qualified Trainer, and NEW Ventura County Regional Coordinator, Renee Roth, has been working with the Matilija Junior High School in Ojai, CA for more than two years to transform a pesticide-adled lawn area into a US Fish & Wildlife School Yard Habitat.

Renee Roth at Matilija Ojai SYH

Renee gave G3’s Pamela Berstler a tour to show off the sheet mulching, grading, and drainage that already has been done.  An examination of the mulch pile, made as G3 recommends, with fresh tree trimmings, yielded a couple of surprises including the iPod video (above) and millions of FUN-GUYS (mycorrhizal fungi) building their soil-food-web. 

Renee has secured funding for this transformation from a US Fish & Wildlife School Yard Habitat Grant.  School personnel and students contribute time and energy to move the project along.  The objective is to have a completely CA native landscape that absorbs all of the rainwater generated by adjacent hardscape surfaces. So this project is also an Ocean Friendly Garden!

For more information about the Matilija Ojai School Yard Habitat, check out Renee’s website.

About Pamela Berstler

Thought-leader on the Watershed Approach to landscaping and the role gardens play in pushing back against climate change.