Tree of Life Hosts South Orange County Ocean Friendly Gardens Program Launch

Another weekend, another talk in a barn!  Tree of Life Nursery hosted Surfrider Foundation’s South Orange County Chapter’s Ocean Friendly Gardens Program launch.

G3 Leads Mini-OFG Class At Tree of Life Nursery

The rain abated and the sun peeked out as 25 hardy souls braved plummeting temps to gather in the Tree of Life barn for a one-hour OFG Mini-Basics Class followed by a tour of the fabulous native plant nursery led by Tree of Life owner, Mike Evans.

Mike Evans Explains Carex Praegracilis As Groundcover

Tree of Life is nestled at the wild land interface off the Ortega Highway in San Juan Capistrano, so the native plant palette specialty of the nursery is echoed in the surrounding environment. Inside the state-of-the-art greenhouse, Mike showed the group Carex praegracilis (Dune sedge) flats and discussed the pros and cons of planting this sedge as a turf alternative.

Surfrider’s South Orange County Chapter is planning their 2011 schedule, so connect with them to help organize Ocean Friendly Gardens events, classes, and hands-on workshops throughout South Orange County.

Tree of Life Nursery is worth visiting to get inspiration for making your landscape more Ocean Friendly.  The knowledgeable staff will help you select plants and their ongoing classes will inspire you to take steps in your own front yard!

About Pamela Berstler

Thought-leader on the Watershed Approach to landscaping and the role gardens play in pushing back against climate change.